Monday, April 30, 2012

More Weekend Mentions...

This weekend was pretty low key for me.  Sunday, me and the fam were out and about and had a really nice outdoor lunch at one of my fave "kinda' restaurants" called F2O (Fresh to Order).  There are several of these around town.  I say "kinda" because the food and interior is what I consider as full restaurant quality, but it's one of those places that you place your order at the counter, they give you a number, you go seat yourself, and they bring your food out to you, and that's it.  Anyway, they have one of the best salmon paninis and their wild mushroom soup is to die for.  Obviously that's my plate you see.  And just a quick shot of my boys! Please disregard Cruz's milk mouth.

Lastly, I was wondering if any of you have tried Target's little "gourmet" frozen pizzas they sell by Archer Farms?  Well, I tried the spinach & goat cheese as you can see.  They are usually sold out in my local store, actually.  I have a fetish for goat cheese which is why I went with this one, but they have other varieties.  I have to say, this pizza was pretty darn good, especially for a $3.99 pizza.  The only thing I would change are the "disks" of goat cheese--it makes it look factory made. lol  They should try making it look more like dollops instead.  I'll definitely keep one or two of these in the freezer for quick fixes in the future.

Well, hope you all had great weekends!  What did you do?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sweets for the Sweet!

This weekend started out great! *wink*  My new "everyday" bag.

Friday, April 27, 2012

I could never imagine a life without bacon...

...or barbecued ribs--and there is no way I could quit seafood.  I mean really, I visit an island a few+ times a year, and you think I'm not eating seafood?!

So with conviction, I can tell you guys that I will NEVER be a vegetarian.  Having said all of that, I DO admire vegetarianism and realize there are some health benefits to be had by going that route.  So as a quest of broadening me and my family's horizons--I've decided that we will have 2 meatless dinners a week.  By 2, I mean that I'll be making one vegetarian meal and having leftovers another day.  I'm curious as to how vegetarians organize a meal, because to me, it seems like they just stick a bunch of "side dishes" together and call it a meal. lol  Now, I realize that's my meat-eating way of thinking, that a dish without meat is somehow a "side dish"--so I would like to see if this venture will change my way of looking at food.

So, the first thing I did was buy a vegetarian cookbook.  I bought "Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone" by Deborah Madison.

It was mentioned a few times in reviews of other vegetarian cookbooks so I did some research and bought it off of eBay actually.  There are a few other vegetarian cookbooks I plan to get, as well as this "The Indian Slow Cooker: 50 Healthy, Easy, Authentic Recipes" book I've been eyeing.  I am all about crockpot cooking--not to mention, I find that I enjoy most vegetarian Indian dishes (so it should be useful for my vegetarian and non-vegetarian days).  I'll let you guys know how it goes and will definitely share some recipes!

Hope you have an awesome weekend!

P.S.  That book is MASSIVE, and it doesn't have pictures. :/  I still plan to use it, but am getting a simpler vegetarian cookbook soon with pics.  I'll will let you all know which one I get!

One Lovely Blog Award...

I've been awarded the "One Lovely Blog Award" by Jeni of Just Grow Already (who's blog is quite lovely itself).  Thank you so very much!  In accepting the award I have to list 7 random things about myself:

1) I eat peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon.
2) I just tried Nutella out for the very first time in my life last week.  I've been depriving myself!
3) I was born and raised in Indiana.
4) My favorite flowers are tulips and callalilies.
5) I've never been able to keep a plant alive aside from cacti (I have a few in the house).
6) I drink Cuban coffee every morning. One of the things that stuck from living in Miami.
7) I met my hubs in a club.  Yes, a nightclub.

Here are a few other lovely blogs:

Love & Tangles
Kiffe Coco
My Thrifty Closet
The Mane Topic
Delighted Momma
Doing Me. Mind, Body & Spirit
A Stylized Hysteria
Cute Chicks Cook
 Mimi G.
Simplistic Chic
Girl With The Flower
Tipa Tipa
Georgia Mae

Monday, April 23, 2012


I'm thinking it's become painfully obvious that I love ethnic prints!  Anyway, I was heading to a daytime birthday celebration at one of my favorite spots for mojitos, music and fun!  This shirt was actually something I threw in my online shopping cart on just to push me over 50 bucks so that I could get free shipping.  It only cost me like 8 bucks!  Needless to say, when I received my goods it was actually my favorite item.  Funny, right?

Jacket - Gap
Tank - F21
Jeggings - F21
Shoes - some random brand from TJ Maxx

Happy Monday!

Friday, April 20, 2012

No Vacancy!

Our tenants are back. haha  We have built-in planters on our upstairs windows on our house.  Since I've slacked on actually putting pretty flowers in them--a little momma bird has made one of them her home. Now I purposely leave them empty, because every spring she comes back!  At least, I'd like to think it's the same momma bird.  I've grown quite attached, even though she stays giving me the side-eye through the window! haha

They make me think of Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds". :)

Anyway, hope you all have an excellent weekend!!  Trying out a new Pinterest dish tonight--hopefully it's blog worthy!  Until next time...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Workout Philosophy

I get a lot of questions about my workout regimen (and diet, but that will be another post).  Really, my workout routine is not very intricate at all.  I am a simple girl...and that translates to pretty much everything going on in my world.

Monday, April 16, 2012

A Black & Cream Sunday

This past Sunday, I had a brunch date with one of the besties.  We decided to hit up this little Mexican spot in a cool part of town not too far from where we live.  The place is called "Across the Street" and it didn't hurt that it happened to be on ScoutMob.  Always trying to save a buck!  Anyway, this was what I wore...

 Tank - TJ Maxx
Skirt - NY & Co.
Sandals - DSW

Flowy "gypsy" skirts (sometimes called "circle skirts") are a big staple for me during the spring/summer.  I have quite an assortment in several colors/prints and lengths.  I think they look so cute and girly and are just so easy to throw on with a tank: an instant, but simple pulled together look with a slight bohemian vibe.

Anyway, we both had chimichangas and "grown-up drinks" as our waiter called them.  I had a spicy margarita, which is basically a regular margarita made with tequila infused with some type of chile.  It was quite delicious, and I liked that hint of spice!  Oh, and we got serenaded by a guy on a trumpet.  How random.

Hope you guys had an enjoyable weekend and are ready to face the week ahead!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

It's official...


I'm a soccer mom!!!!  :^D

This is a temporary uniform.  They get their real uniforms next week.  Lets go Thunder!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Neon Lace or Neon Overload... be the judge!

Shoes - Steve Madden, Watch - Michael Kors, Sunnies - Target, Bracelets - random, Hair - brushed out rollerset

So what do you think of this absolutely fabulous frock I scored from  I was hoping I would get this dress in the mail and get a post up about it in a timely fashion while it was still available so you gals could pick one up--but alas, it's gone.  :(  I suggest you check your local store to see if they have them in stock!

Anyway--meet my new beach/pool cover-up!  F21 marketed it as a dress, but being all lace, I assumed it would work better as a cover-up.  But hey, if you have the chutzpa to wear this as a dress with the proper undergarments (and cute belt couldn't hurt)--go for it!  Me and the hubs are taking a trip to Jamaica next month to attend a wedding, and I am so excited to wear this there.  So you will see this again.

Nik says:  Neon rocks!!

P.S.  I'm obsessed with all the new "high-low" dresses/skirts.  Aren't you?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"We wear the mask..." ~Paul Laurence Dunbar

Nope, you're not seeing a ghost...and no, I'm not toying with the idea to become a mime!  This is me trying out this facial mask that I picked up at my local CVS.  The brand is Montagne Jennesse and they come in an assortment of "flavors".  I found these on as well, but at a higher price.  In the store one packet cost me only $1.99.  While shopping, these little guys caught my eye and after looking at the ingredients--I decided to give it a try.  This particular one is Aloe Vera & Willow, but it's base is clay, including illite (Mediterranean clay), bentonite and kaolin clays.  Other things that stood out to me were green tea leaf extract, Dead Sea salt and ginseng root extract, among other natural ingredients.

Let me just say, I'm glad that I took pictures of the clay mask when I did (it was still wet), because once that baby dried--I couldn't move my face at all!! haha  I felt a slight tingling sensation as well.  After about 15 minutes, I rinsed it off and I have to say my face felt so FRESH and TIGHT.  I'm assuming that may mean that it shrunk my pores a bit which is always a good thing.  Now I can't wait to try some of the others flavors!  My skin feels amazing!

This is definitely Nik-Approved!  Go check out your local drugstores and see if they carry these. At $1.99, what's to lose?

P.S. I may even look for a mask that is not in single servings as $1.99 could eventually add up over time if used regularly.  I'll let you guys know when I find a winner.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Key West Grilled Chicken

Hey all!  Just thought I'd do a quick post on my latest Pinterest recipe find.  Now that spring is here, everyone I'm sure are whipping out their grills.  Well, here is a great little marinade for chicken you plan to barbecue.  Simple and easy-to find ingredients!

I threw mine over rice-and-peas with a small salad on the side.  Our grill ran out of gas mid-grilling, so I finished mine up in the oven--hence it not being as charred as I would like.  Oh, and don't feel like you HAVE to make kabobs--but I suggest you do as you get the flavor of the marinade in every bite-sized piece!

Key West Grilled Chicken

* 3 tablespoons soy sauce
* 2 Tbs. honey
* 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
* Juice of 1 Lime
* 1 teaspoon minced garlic
* 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves

In a small bowl combine soy sauce, honey, vegetable oil, lime juice, and garlic.

If you want to have grilled breasts, Place chicken breast halves into the mixture, and turn to coat. Cover, and marinate in the refrigerator at least 30 minutes. If you prefer kebabs, as are pictured, cut the chicken into large chunks, skewer onto bamboo sticks that have been soaked in water for 5 minutes, and marinate for at least 30 minutes.

For a slightly zestier version, add a teaspoon of Freshly Chopped cilantro to the marinade.

Grill on medium high heat for 6 to 8 minutes on each side, until juices run clear. Serve with fresh salad, steamed veggies, baked potato or any of your favorite sides. For variation, try marinating shrimp, (which will take 2-4 minutes to grill in all!)

Have a great weekend and Happy Easter!

Monday, April 2, 2012

+Weekend Mentions+

Happy Monday readers!  Just thought I'd give you guys a short re-cap of my weekend that was worth mentioning...

1) Changed up the nails!  This time I used Sally Hansen Salon Effects in "Bling It Out".  It's a sparkly pink and I luv it!  The pink is a little darker than my pic shows, but is still quite subtle compared to last weeks nails.  My husband called the "confetti nails" jungliss (meaning ghetto in Bahamian talk). Ah well.  I is who I is. haha

2)  Another date-night with the hubs.  This time we went to a fairly popular French Restaurant in town.  And for the first time ever......*insert drumroll*....I tried escargot!  Yes, SNAILS.  Even I have a hard time saying it. lol  They actually weren't bad.  They were cooked in a garlic/butter sauce.  It was actually like eating mussels.  I will say that I still couldn't get over what they were mentally, so even in all of their deliciousness--I doubt I'd eat them ever again.  Silly me forgot to take pics of the dish. :/   Since I have no food porn for you, I do have a few pics of what I wore.
Random white tank, skirt from H&M (similar HERE and in love with THIS ONE), belt is F21, Steve Madden shoes (not shown).

3) All week, my 3 year old has been running round the house wearing my rubber gloves I use for cleaning exclaiming that he's baking a cake.  I assume he thinks they are oven mitts.  So on Sunday, we made cupcakes.  Baking is NOT my thing, and these were made using the Pilsbury variety.  He was very pleased.

So how was your weekend?

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